March 12, 2025
Freedom Walker


My Take on – The Luigi Case

Actually, I believe this CEO/Luigi story was staged, a SysOp, I also don’t believe anyone died in the making of this movie were all watching play out, it could have all been done for a really good reason, the question is, why? What reason?

Ok, so let’s think about this logically, what is the main theme of Trumps agenda? ‘Drain The Swamp’ right? part of that is disrupting/dismantling a very corrupt medical industrial complex that has in many ways, caused far more problems than good. Most people are at least somewhat aware and are even frustrated with it all.

I believe this event could have been planned to help bring awareness for the majority of American People to see firsthand all the corruption so that when the take down starts, it’s not. such a shock, it also gives the Trump administration the support and mandate they need to put this plan into motion.

How I came to this conclusion.

Large corporations do similar things when companies are about to lay off large numbers of people, these types of things can creates some tumultuous times throughout the organization and these feelings have a tendency to become palpable, people have the ability to pick up on Suttle changes and start to sense that something is up, they may not know or understand what it but they feel it.

So how companies choose to handle all this, right or wrong is that they use rumors to get the mind prepared, one way they accomplish this is that months prior to the actual lay off event, they intentionally start rumors and allow them to spread it’s wing to populate the idea around to the masses.

The reason they do it this way is so that, by the time the day the layoffs actually take place, everyone is already mentally prepared because they have already been conditioned though all the rumors and talk at the water cooler going around for all those months prior and while this is happening, these ideas start formulating in everyone’s and asking themselves, am I on the list? Or, I wonder if my name is on the list or something to this effect. Its permeating in the mind and that’s the whole point.

After this period and the rumors are floating around like wild fire, the idea is now firmly implanted in their minds, they have been effectively conditioned and are now ready to except when and if it should happen to them.

This all-sounds kind of sinister right? in some ways I suppose it is, because it’s using manipulation tactics on people’s emotions, I get it, it’s also a very effective tool as it’s quick, cost effective and it gets the job done with as little disruptions or harm as possible.

How else could it be done as quickly and as effectively as possible? If you’re sitting in the driver’s seat of such a decision, it becomes much more challenging than you may think. And probably most of us if we found ourselves in a similar situation, we might do it the exact same way.

Now you may be asking, isn’t this kind of a crude way to go about it? perhaps your right, however, sometimes people need to be shocked into action to create the required mandate in order for this type of plan to be activated and followed through. Sure, I suppose you could take people one by one, sit them down and tell each one individually, I suppose this could happen but really, how practical would this really be in reality, it would simply take way too long wouldn’t it not to mention it would be cost prohibited.

Now to be clear, I do not know that all I’ve said here is true, I am presenting this as a possibility, I am not part of any team, I have no inside information nothing, all I have are my observations and intuitions and picking up on clues to go on and this is what I see as a very good possibility. Could I be totally off my fucking rocker? Sure, absolutely I could be wrong, this too is a real possibility, I have no qualms with being wrong if that’s the case.

I do not know the answers, only the questions.

I have gone through similar situation myself in the past, when I was laid off back in 2002 with 800 other people, I remember the rumors were going around non-stop for probably 6 months or so and then one day, BAM, we were all gathered in the cafeteria and we were told of our demise and it was done over the loud speaker, trust me, it was horrible,  the dread I felt in that room that day was palpable, after that, everyone got up, gathered up all our personal belongings and walked out the door in mass and that was that..

Now, try and imagine if you will what this scenario might have looked like if there were no rumors, no warnings, no indication of what was about to happen and suddenly out of nowhere they gathered 800 people in a room and announced to them cold turkey, you’re done, we’re sorry we have had to come to this but we have to let you go speech,

Now, just imagine the shock people would be in, it would be a shock to a room full over very angry people and if this were to happen, the situation could very easily become unmanageable rather quickly, the emotions of the room would be palpable, it could have very easily made for really bad situation because when people are shocked like that, they don’t always react in the most favorable ways.  It’s human nature.

In closing I would like to share something with you, and that is, everything we see, think we know, believe we know, know for fact whatever the case, there is always going to be a hell of a lot more we don’t know than what we do know, this is an undeniable FACT

The thing is, the deeper we dive into a subject no matter what it is, there is always more, everyone is aware of the surface level information, it never really is very deep and is often rife with a whole lot of confusion and disinformation to keep you as far away from the truth as possible, there are demons on the surface who’s only  job it is, is to distract you, to keep you as busy as possible with mundane task, this is where the FAKE News of the MSM resides on the surface

This is also where all the, well, let’s just say, the less aware humans are located, let’s just say it, many are not very aware of a deeper meaning behind thing, this is also where all the chaos and noise comes from right? now, everyone has choices, we can simply remain on the surface level if you choose, and stay simple minded or, you can choose to dig a little deeper and continue discovering more information so that you can gain a better  true understanding and garner a more clear evidenced based ideas and possibilities, it should be fairly obvious that the deeper you dig down into the bowels of the abyss, the more information you will gather about a particular subject and the more information you collect and analyze, the better you become at being informed, this process repeats until your are confident that what you have gathered is as right and correct as possible, you can then start to disseminate this information and share it with others with  some level of confidence

The problem with spreading surface lever information is that in most cases, it’s about as handy as a screen door in a submarine, it’s filled with misinformation, lies, rumors, sins, noise, and there are of course a few Tid-Bits you can run across every now and again sure, but mostly it’s a lot of god aweful noise, kind of like junk DNA it can become rather messy

This is my story and I’m sticking to it…


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